
Welcome to Life with Tia. Don't know how well I'll do posting but figured I'd give it a shot. What I post may only be of interest to me, but if there are people who want to know what's up with me or how my brain works, or simply have nothing better to do, then read on. Please post comments. I need the encouragement and the opposing point of view (not that there will be any). Thanks for reading & posting. Hugs, Tia

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Today is enough

I'm going through a devotional book by Luci Swindoll. (Charles' sister) I first discovered Luci many years ago. She was a "grown" single woman having a ball with life. I read her book and thought I wanna grow up to be like her. LOL Time passed and I forgot about Luci and her joy and celebration from life. So when I saw her book posted on paperback swap.com (one of the best finds ever) I smiled and remembered and ordered it. I'm so glad I did.

Today's devo was about enjoying what we have and being content. I was reminded that we live in a world that demands that we always be doing something, anything. I always feel weird at work on Monday when I'm asked what I did over the weekend when I answer nothing. I haven't been to the movies in ages. I don't really need more stuff. I love being home. It is enough.

And that fits in with my goals for the year - to enjoy life - my friends - my home. There's tons of stuff that I can do at home - projects to complete. Emails to write. Notes on facebook to encourage. I need to do more of that. But for now I'm reminded that enough is enough.

God is enough. I need no other. Be it ever so humble...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year - 2009

This is gonna sound morbid but for some reason I never thought as a kid that I'd live this long. Ok, ok, I know I'm only 50 but 2000 much less 2009 felt like so far away back then. So here I am alive and well in 2009. Since I have lived this long now I have to figure out what I'm going to accomplish this year. 2009?!?

I'm gonna get out of debt. I'm such a dork - it's out of hand but it's now out of my hands and the plan is in place to get back on track. Such a waste.

I'm going to lose this last 30 pounds and keep it off. So far so good 20lbs already down 30 more to go. Thanks Jenny! (Craig that is).

I want to get involved in creative things - either through decorating projects here at home or learning how to sew. I've been thinking about sewing for a year. It's time I did more than think.

I'm going to have friends over more often. I like entertaining. Used to do it a lot years ago - don't know what happened but I'm going to do better at it.

So here's to moving forward in 2009. Cheers!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday afternoons are for football

It's a beautiful day in sunny south Florida. The sun has been shining and the temperature is mild. I enjoyed my favorite Sunday activity - reading the newspaper. And turned the TV to football. Besides being America's game. It's a great activity to get stuff done by. You don't really have to watch every second (sacrilege to men I know). You can be doing things and if you hear the announcer going crazy you know you need to get to the TV. If you have Tivo even better.

I've been gardening while listening and watching the Eagles vs. Giants. Great game. Eagles dominated the Giants. (Too bad for my fantasy football team. I knew I should've started Kevin Walter). All the while I planted my new bougainvilleas, and avocado pits. It was fun and relaxing. I didn't miss a thing in the game.

Now I'm watching the Dolphins (Go Fins!). I may actually watch the entire game. I'll sweep and swiff at halftime.

Ahhhh now that's a good Sunday afternoon. ;-)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Why you should never have your network server off site?

Our network is down AGAIN. I swear (ok it's not nice to swear) it's down more than it's up. And because it's off site we're dependent on our IT company to fix it, which is dumb cause the server isn't in their office either. It's in a bunker somewhere where it can be accessible after a hurricane except that it doesn't work when there isn't a hurricane.

So the reason you should never have your network server located offsite is because...

There I feel better now.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Black Friday!

OMG! It's been forever since I've blogged. It's not that I haven't been doing anything. I just didn't know what to say or how to say it.

It's been an amazing 6 months. I've been to the Mediterranean. Seen the Acropolis, Rome, the Pyramids and Sphinx, Pompeii, Ephesus and Istanbul. They were trips of a lifetime. I've made new friends and learned so much.

I turned 50 last Sunday. 50!!!! I can't believe it. I feel great. Definitely not 50. There are days of course but mostly not 50.

I've lost 30 pounds in the last year - 20 of them in the last two months. Me, Queen Latifa and Valerie Bertinelli and Jenny Craig. And I can't forget my time in the gym. How can I forget, my body is screaming at me after Wednesday's work out.

The most important thing on my mind is - I have great friends and family. While my finances are in a mess, aren't everyones? I'm reminded that it's relationships that are most important. The finance thing will be worked out. But without health and friends life in deed would be dull and without meaning.

So today, instead of shopping (4:30am?!? not) I'm feeling extra grateful. I'm going to finish cleaning the house and start decorating for Christmas. This year I'm going to enjoy it all.
I hope you do too.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I Don't Get It!

Why can't we just get along! We, and I use the term loosely, are commanded to love one another. The second half of the greatest commandment according to Jesus, and He should know, is that we love our neighbors as ourselves. The Bible says, they will no we are Christians by our love. They'll marvel about how we love one another. If all that's true, and I believe it is, then why do we have so much trouble doing it?

Today, I've had two friends who have been hurt by believers. Not just believers but church leaders. People who have been entrusted with the care and nurture of God's sheep. I've been sitting on my couch staring at Facebook and talking to God about it. I'm asking how come his leaders act this way.

All I hear is that they are flawed just like I am. Sinners saved by grace. Which is true. However, (you knew that was coming) It really hacks me - get's on my last nerve, frost my cake, you name it. When leaders screw up, and when they hurt fellow believers, it sours believers on God and the church.
The church is where "people will know and marvel at how". If our leaders don't learn how best to love. How to speak the truth in love, and encourage and sharpen their flock, how is the church suppose to grow? How is the church supposed to prevail against the gates of hell?

I don't know. But I suspect that God ain't happy.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

It's been awhile

Let's see if I can summarize everything that's happened since February.
  • Went to St. Louis, hung out with Carol, discovered the most comfortable underwear ever
  • Survived Easter services, what a whirl wind!
  • Trying to take care of Dad who is at home with in home care for 8 hours a day
  • 85 year old father tells you he's in love with one of his caretakers, and is giddy about it
  • Caretaker isn't in love with papi
  • I'm gonna get to go to Europe this summer AND see the Pyramids before I turn 50
  • Yes I turn 50 this year. GAG
  • Coordinated another wedding (Aunt Gigie and Uncle Lu),barely made it through alive
  • Read a great series of books by Stephanie Meyer - Twight, New Moon & Eclipse (look for the movie in December)
  • Listened to an awesome book on by Ipod - World Without End by Ken Foillet
  • Been hanging out on Facebook a lot playing Text Twirl and giving out pieces of flair
  • Dad decided to stay home today - was going to go out with brother - now he's home alone and I'm a nervous wreck.
  • Wish I could makeover my kitchen (I should probably stop watching HGTV)
  • Went to Fairchild Tropical Gardens yesterday with Ann - had a blast - it was beautiful AND hot
  • Got to see D-man and Sugar Monkey on Friday at Scotty's. I love that place
Ok those are the highlights. I'll try to do better with the blog