
Welcome to Life with Tia. Don't know how well I'll do posting but figured I'd give it a shot. What I post may only be of interest to me, but if there are people who want to know what's up with me or how my brain works, or simply have nothing better to do, then read on. Please post comments. I need the encouragement and the opposing point of view (not that there will be any). Thanks for reading & posting. Hugs, Tia

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

And now it's Wednesday

So now it's Wednesday, hump day. It's all downhill from here. I can't wait til the weekend. This has been one of the longest weeks in recent memory. Why you might ask? Because on Saturday I leave for Seattle where I'll board the Norwegian Pearl for a cruise to Alaska.

Guys this is a dream trip for me. I've wanted to cruise in Alaska since the last time I worked at L&K. That's almost 10 years ago. I'm so excited. My buddy D will be traveling with me and even if the cruise is a bust, which it won't be, it'll be fun spending the time together.

Stay tuned to the blog as I'll be writing about our exploits.

A wonderfully creative friend of mine has an inspirational blog that's absolutely wonderful. It's called Manna for Manaña. If you have time check it out, you'll be blessed. I promise!

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