
Welcome to Life with Tia. Don't know how well I'll do posting but figured I'd give it a shot. What I post may only be of interest to me, but if there are people who want to know what's up with me or how my brain works, or simply have nothing better to do, then read on. Please post comments. I need the encouragement and the opposing point of view (not that there will be any). Thanks for reading & posting. Hugs, Tia

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Condo Associations are...

So I got home last night to find a card from a Federal officer that tried to serve papers to me. When i tracked them down I discovered that there was a foreclosure and lien placed on my condo by the association who mistakenly thinks I owe them over $1,000. WRONG!
I've tried for over a year to get my account straightened out. I've sent emails, letters, made phone calls and no one thought it necessary to respond at the time. How do they respond with a stinkin' lawsuit!!!

Condo associations don't even check with their accountants. The accounts show that I only owe $158 AND even that is wrong. I made a payment that they didn't credit to my account.

I swear (ok I know I'm not supposed to swear) situations like this make me crazy. There's no conversation, no discussion nothing. It's rude. Rude to not try to work this out. Rude that it happens two days before I leave town. RUDE RUDE RUDE.

Thanks, I needed to get that out. Stay tuned.


Bing said...

Let me know if you need my cousin Guido to "talk" to them at all.

I'm sorry this sucky thing happened today. I know you've been frustrated by this for a LONG time and it's not fair that this happened right before your trip. Wish I could help, but at least I can pray!

makati condo said...

I can see that you are putting a lot of time and effort into your blog and detailed articles! Will be back often to read more updates!

Deirdre G

Condos Singapore said...

The post is giving information on condo assocations. Useful post