
Welcome to Life with Tia. Don't know how well I'll do posting but figured I'd give it a shot. What I post may only be of interest to me, but if there are people who want to know what's up with me or how my brain works, or simply have nothing better to do, then read on. Please post comments. I need the encouragement and the opposing point of view (not that there will be any). Thanks for reading & posting. Hugs, Tia

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My New Favorite Author

As you can tell from my reading list I enjoy mysteries and thrillers. Give me a crime to solve or a mystery to unravel and I'm there. Recently, I read Stephen King's column in Entertainment Weekly where he extolled an author that kept him captivated on an oversees flight. That author was Meg Gardiner creator of the Evan Delany mysteries. The good news is that I found her novels on Amazon.com. The bad news is that I had to get them for other booksellers in Amazon's market place because the books aren't readily available in the States. They are published in England.

Anyway, I love love love Evan and Jesse. Evan Delany is smart, sassy, brave and trouble-prone. She gets herself in situations that make you think "Girl, run in the other direction." But no, she runs straight into trouble. It's great.

If you love mysteries, you'll love Evan. Satisfaction Guaranteed or you can yell at me.

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