
Welcome to Life with Tia. Don't know how well I'll do posting but figured I'd give it a shot. What I post may only be of interest to me, but if there are people who want to know what's up with me or how my brain works, or simply have nothing better to do, then read on. Please post comments. I need the encouragement and the opposing point of view (not that there will be any). Thanks for reading & posting. Hugs, Tia

Friday, June 22, 2007

What a way to start a vacation!

Yesterday I was so excited about going on vacation. I was planning to drive to Orlando to hang with my friend D for the weekend. Decided to be responsible and get my car serviced before I hit the road. Little did I know that my brakes were only functioning at 10% AND my fuel filter was plugged up AND the air induction filter for the a/c I think had to be changed. $600 and 4 hours later I started my vacation. In the immortal words of Roseanne Roseannadanna, "It's always something!"

Car things make me nuts. It's the only area that I don't have any confidence or knowledge. But I took in stride, paid the man and came on up to Orlando.

First thing I did when I got here was shop. I got two new outfits. Take that car!

Last night I enjoyed a delicious dinner. This morning a scrumptous breakfast. Tonite dinner at the Bistro di Paris at Epcot. Sense a theme here? Anyone? The day will be spent at the house of Mouse. Gonna see the new Nemo show and the bird show (whatever that is) AND VIP seating for the Bee Gees show. It's not really the Bee Gees just a tribute to them.

I hope you all enjoy your day as much as I'm going to.

Vacations are great!

1 comment:

Bing said...

Be sure to take lots of pictures for your food diary! It's supposed to help, but I don't see how. I do have a beautiful picture of a cream puff on my phone, though.